The merchant must perform an API post to Payment Gateway, using the appropriate end–point.
The encryptionxml field will contain the encrypted recurringpayment
Take note, this is a lengthy batch process and runs as scheduled tasks between VFS and the bank.
It should never be relied upon to be returned quickly or included in a synchronous user–journey with the customer.
Recurring Payments: End–Points | |
PROD^ | |
UAT^ | |
QA^ | |
# | Field (Case–Sensitive) |
Required MandatoryOptional |
Type | Length | Description |
1. | PayserverUsername ^ | M | String | 50 | Merchant username (maximum length 50) as defined by the Payserver service account |
2. | EncryptionType | O | String | 8 |
This is encryption algorithm the merchant has elected to use. Permitted Values: – BLOWFISH (Recommended) – AES – TWOFISH (if omitted default value is BLOWFISH) |
3. | EncryptionSalt | O | String | 32 |
Random string used by merchant to salt the password used to encrypt the message passed in encXML/encJSON and used by Vodacom to decrypt the message Mandatory if encType is TWOFISH or AES |
4. | EncryptionIterations | O | Numeric |
Number of iterations used to derive the key (along with the salt and stored encryption key) using password-based key derivation functionality, PBKDF2 Mandatory if encType is TWOFISH or AES. |
5. | EncryptionIv | O | String | 16 |
Random string used by merchant used as the Initialisation Vector to encrypt the message passed in encXML/encJSON and used by Vodacom to decrypt the message Mandatory if encType is TWOFISH or AES |
6. | EncryptionXml | M | String |
The encrypted XML Transaction object created in 3.2.3. Tokenised Card Payment Step 1: – Create Recurring Payment Object and 3.2.4. Tokenised Card Payment Step 2: Encryption must be passed in this field. See 4.2 Appendix B: Encryption Algorithms for further details. |